The Stormwater Coalition of Albany County and member community Village of Green Island is hosting a Riverkeeper SWEEP Clean Up at the Green Island Hudson River Park in Albany County, NY on May 1, 9am to 11am.
To participate, pre-registration is required, follow this link. There you’ll find where to meet, what to bring, and other registration information.
For additional information about this annual event, go to the Riverkeeper website:
This is one of 120+ service projects, all part of the Riverkeeper Sweep, from Brooklyn to the Adirondacks. Give back to the Hudson River and it’s tributaries this spring. Join Stormwater Coalition communities in cleaning up our waterways.
Help get the word out, here’s a flyer to share and post. Thank you!
Due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, all volunteers will need to observe the following social distancing requirements:
- Pre-registration is required to participate.
- All participants must bring their own masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and reusable water bottles.
- All volunteers must maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet and wear masks that fully cover nose and mouth at all times – no exceptions.
- When announcements are being made, a distance of 15 feet should be maintained.
- Volunteers should carpool only with members of their own household.
- Volunteers should not participate if they have ANY signs of illness or if they have potentially been exposed to COVID-19 within the previous two weeks.